Tuesday, February 5

one million prisma colors for christmas


"Christmas List 2008: Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's"
both drawings 10'x11'


Don said...

Love the box! That's pretty cool. And, I must say, Jared's got a beard!!! This is a new look for you. Nice. Working it with the ladies!

savoury toothed tiger said...

Thanks Don Don! Although the beard isn't too new: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4IiRT4Y7bs

BYU Rugby Forever said...

I like the "Christmas List 2008: Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's"
both drawings 10'x11'. It has a depth to it as though it were a painting of one of your "bilds" while at the same time the sinuous layers of colors bring to my mind images of thai dancers sporting moving and twisting bands of color.

Well, I'm not the most knowledgeable critic, but I like how you mix a variety of nostalgia in with much of your craft. Chido.

Anonymous said...

I want the box drawing.