It was a very messy two weeks - I should have photographed the really disgusting mounds of goo all over eveything on the tables. Epoxy Resin and liquid rubber and Bondo everywhere. My new studio nickname is Stinky. It's Saturday night as I write this, having spent the whole day cleaning. Mostly because of this behemoth:

6 ft. 250 lbs. ...I guess I made a linebacker out of Bunnies.

The first opening was last night and me without a camera. There will be another next Friday so, in awhile, you should see images. Also showing next Friday: Joe Penrod in Olympia Washington! Everyone within 100 miles is required to attend (there will be an afterparty by Michelle with Granteeny entertaining and you can even sleep over...I almost bought a flight: boo to simultaneous shows) and Californians are highly encouraged to make the journey.
p.s. Casey Jex Smith is showing with me AGAIN. Look forward to those pictures. This is a great trend.