Bones everywhere! I decided I still like Donald Baechler (large painting in middle).
Is it a bandwagon theme hitching to the Damian Hirst hype...or an early Halloween celebration? I'm betting on B, no one wants to be seen as caring about A:

So I was tempted to wait til Halloween to post my own skull art, it seeming fitting, but I still need to talk about volcanoes so, here's your skull.
This close-up on the eyesocket shows the paper I found up the hill from the river.

Anyway, I love Andy Goldsworthy, (in fact, we all just watched "Rivers and Tides" here at the studio center before this blog entry) but I had to use paper instead of leaves or moss so that he would turn over in his proverbial grave. Can I reverence my heroes through irreverence? It seems like a solution.
And here is a view approaching from downstream the Ghion River